Flower Of Life

Ancient Secrets of The Flower of Life

The flower of life refers to a geometry shape consisting of several evenly-spaced and overlapping circles. The circles get arranged in blossom like style. Each ring contains a six fold symmetry that resembles a hexagon. The flower of life is part of what is called ‘sacred geometry’.

What are sacred geometry patterns?

Sacred geometry describes symbolic or holy meaning to a variety of geometric shapes and proportions. According to some scientists, everything in the Universe is mathematical. In fact, the Universe itself is a mathematical structure. Without a doubt, the geometry used in the construction of different religious structures including churches, mosques, temples, altars, or tabernacles is sacred. The same concept applies to all sacred places such as holy wells, sacred groves, and temenoi.

The flower of life is considered as a powerful symbol and it seems to offer a deep spiritual meaning. Meditating on the flower of life is considered as one of the most profound forms of therapy when under stress.

You’ll find the flower of life symbol in many of the worship places, and in Catholic churches in particular. Different religions will consider it to have a variety of meaning in their history. The most popular flower of life is the hexagonal pattern. The symbol consists of 19 complete circles and other 36 non-complete circular arcs. All of them get enclosed in a larger circle.

The making of the flower of life features components that are part of an alchemist’s work. From the symbol, several other symbols get derived. Take for example Leonardo da Vinci who made a study on different forms of flower of life as well as its mathematical traits. He was able to draw the flower of life and thus he was able to derive several other components such as the seed of life. Several other structures that the artist was able to draw from mastering the flower of life formula include a sphere, platonic solids, and a torus among others. He was also able to make use of “the golden ratio” in all his artwork. All these models are part of the flower of life design. Flower of life therefore appears as a source of inspiration for designers.

Famous designs derived from the flower of life

If you want to understand more about the flower of life, there is a need to understand other symbols that got derived from its design. First is the seed of life consisting of 7 circles that features 6 folds symmetry. From the structuring, it forms patterns of rings and lenses. The formation finds a basis in the creation of the flower of life. There are several beliefs about what the seed of life symbol represents. Some people claim it to represent the 7 days in which God created life according to Christians’ believes.

Several other symbols derived from the flower of life include the egg of life which represents the multi-cellular embryo at its early hours of creation. The fruit of life comes with 13 circles extracted from the flower of life. The fruit of life is believed to depict the universe’s blueprints. It contains the entire basis for all the atoms, life form, molecules, including everything that is in existence. The fruit of life leads to the construction of the Metatron’s cube that depicts 5 platonic solids that get derived from the flower of life. The platonic solids act as templates where consciousness originates. The 5 platonic solids form a block of organic life forms, languages, music, and sound. The Metatron’s cube does also represent a holy glyph which is a structure used to chase off evil spirits. All these designs show you the importance of the flower of life in the formation of different models.

Final Verdict

The flower of life plays an important role in the beliefs of many people towards God’s creation. The symbol also works as a therapeutic drawing. By looking closely onto the image, it helps you meditate quietly on stressing things in your life. We can see that, from the figure, other symbols get derived making it an essential part of sacred geometry patterns.

What do you think about the flower of life ? Have you ever meditated on it ? Please let us know in the comments below.

Picture of Stéphane Clément

Stéphane Clément

Founder of Gaia Meditation. Committed to help in raising the vibration of the Collective and in co-creating a new paradigm. *** Fondateur de Gaia Meditation. Engagé à aider à augmenter le taux vibratoire du Collectif et à co-créer un nouveau paradigme.

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