heart coherence exercise

Heart Coherence Exercise (5 minutes) – © Heart Infinity by Gaia Meditation

1/ Heart Coherence – Basic breathing technique & Recommendations:

1.1. Basic breathing technique:

1 cycle of breathing = inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds.

Note: 5 seconds inhalation / 5 seconds exhalation is a suggestion of rhythm. It’s commonly used and we use it as well in our exercises.

To reach the heart coherence, you have to do 6 cycles in 1 minute and do a session of 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, the benefits will last for 4-5 hours.

1.2. A few benefits of heart coherence:

This basic technique allows you to learn to control your breathing in order to regulate your level of stress and anxiety. It also helps to reduce depression and blood pressure. Globally, it’s aimed at improving your health.

1.3. Recommendations to get optimal benefits:

  • Before you start any session, place yourself in a quiet place and be sure not to be disturbed. Turn your phone off or put it on flight mode. Sit in a comfortable way with your spine straight.
  • Do three 5-minute sessions per day:  in the morning as you wake up, at mid-day before lunch and in the evening before dinner (or before sleeping). But globally, proceed as you feel.
    You can even do a session just before your meditation practice.

If you are consistent, within 2 weeks of a daily practice, you’ll notice a real physiological change.
To get optimal benefits, you have to practice on a daily basis for at least 2 months.

To learn more about heart coherence, please read this article: Heart Coherence (Gaia Meditation)

1.4. Presentation of “Heart Infinity” by Gaia Meditation:

© Heart Infinity is a heart coherence visual guide created by Gaia Meditation.

For 1 session of 5 minutes, we offer 3 various exercises (3 free video guides) depending on your ultimate goals.

You can do all the 3 exercises in one day.
You can choose 1 exercise that you’ll do 3 times in the same day.

All the exercises are detailed in point 4.

2/ Benefits of Heart Coherence:

The heart coherence state helps to regulate the heart beat and autonomic nervous system.

Here are a few benefits of heart coherence:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety (reduction of level of cortisol).
  • Enhances immune system
  • Releases anti-aging hormone (DHEA)
  • Improves learning
  • Enhances intuition
  • Improves sleep
  • Enhances functioning of the nervous and digestive systems
  • Enhances concentration

Heart coherence also improves performance in sports. Sportsmen call this state « being in the zone ».

Globally, the heart coherence helps to increase our resilience.

For more information about heart coherence, please read this article: Heart Coherence (Gaia Meditation)

3/ Heart Coherence Exercise: “Heart Infinity” by Gaia Meditation

To help you reach the heart coherence state, we have developed visual guides (3 free videos) for you.

© Heart Infinity is a heart coherence visual guide created by Gaia Meditation.

Note: If you would like to practice heart coherence exercises with your eyes closed, we have created a special audio guide for you:

Click here to listen to “Breath Of Life”

3.1. General instructions for the 3 exercises of “Heart Infinity”:

Follow the bright dot moving in the infinity symbol. Each loop lasts 5 seconds.

  • Start with an inhalation (dot growing) -> 1 loop = 5 seconds
  • Then exhale (dot reducing)-> the opposite loop = 5 seconds

1 cycle (∞) = 10 seconds.

To achieve the heart coherence, you must do 6 cycles in 1 minute, keeping your breathing as fluid as possible.

The complete exercise lasts 5 minutes.

In the exercises, the infinity sign is used to symbolize the fact that your divine (infinite) power resides within your heart.

3.2. Exercise 1: “Relaxation” – Abdominal breathing – Music in 432 hz

Exercise 1 is primarily aimed at relaxing your body and mind in a quick way. This exercise combines the benefits of heart coherence, abdominal breathing and 432 Hz music.

* Instructions for Exercise 1:

  • Follow the dot moving in the infinity symbol.
  • Abdominal breathing
  • Respect the heart coherence breathing cycle of 5 seconds inhalation (1 loop) + 5 seconds exhalation (other loop).

In 1 minute, you will do 6 cycles.

If you can’t do the abdominal breathing, then breathe normally.

* Abdominal breathing (“Adham Pranayama” in Yoga)

“Adham” means “low”.
“Pranayama” means “breathing technique”.

Your whole body is relaxed. Do not move the shoulders or your chest.

  • Inhalation through the nose: your belly grows.
  • Exhalation through the mouth: your belly empties.

More info on abdominal breathing (also called “diaphragmatic breathing”) here

* Benefits of abdominal breathing:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety (lowers cortisol, the stress hormone)
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Energizes the mind
  • Increases stamina
  • Helps the body to detoxify more efficiently
  • Promotes oxygen supply to the body
  • Improves digestion

* Benefits of 432 Hz:

The music in the video is tuned to A=432 Hz frequency which is the frequency of the Universe. This frequency unites the listeners to the universal harmony. It fills the mind with a sense of peace and well being. It globally has positive effects on the body and mind.
432 Hz frequency is also said to work at the heart chakra. It releases emotional blockages and have a great influence on the spiritual development of the listener.

Want to get a 30-minute version of this 432 Hz music (including a binaural beat version)? Click here to get “Mountain Call” now

3.3. Exercise 2:Rebalancing” – Alternate nostril breathing “Nadi Shodhana” – Music: Solfeggio 528 hz (Love frequency)

Exercise 2 is primarily aimed at rebalancing your breathing and your brain hemispheres. This exercise combines the benefits of heart coherence, alternate nostril breathing and 528 Hz music.

* Instructions for Exercise 2:

  • Follow the dot moving in the infinity symbol.
  • Nadi Shodhana breathing
  • Respect the heart coherence breathing cycle: 1 cycle = 5 seconds inhalation (one nostril / 1 loop) + 5 seconds exhalation (other nostril / other loop)

In 1 minute, you will do 6 cycles.

Depending on your level of stress and anxiety, you can do 1 to 3 minutes of Nadi Shodhana:

  • 1st minute: Nadi Shodhana
  • 2nd minute: Nadi Shodhana or normal nose breathing
  • 3rd minute: Nadi Shodhana or normal nose breathing
  • 4th to 5th minute: normal nose breathing.

* Alternate nostril breathing (“Nadi Shodhana Pranayama” in Yoga)

“Nadi Shodhana” means “clearing the channels of circulation”.
“Pranayama” means “breathing technique”.

The purpose of this breathing technique is to regulate the flow of air through nasal passages.

Why? Simply because it has been observed that we don’t breathe completely through both nostrils at the same time. One nostril is more dominant. However, it’s never 0% through one nostril and 100% through the other but more like 20-40% vs 60-80%.
Each nostril has a link with one hemisphere of the brain. If we breathe more from the left nostril, it means that the right side of the brain (creativity, intuition…) is more dominant. If we breathe more from the right nostril, it means that the left side of our brain (logic…) is more dominant.
With the alternate nostril breathing technique, we allow our breathing to be rebalanced between the two nostrils.

* Nadi Shodhana breathing technique (only through the nose – left/right nostrils):

  1. Exhale through both nostrils.
  2. Close your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril.
  3. Close your left nostril, exhale through your right nostril, and inhale through the right nostril.
  4. Close your right nostril, exhale through your left nostril, and inhale through your left nostril.
  5. Close your left nostril, exhale through your right nostril, and then inhale through the right nostril.
  6. Exhale through both nostrils (both nostrils are opened).

More info about Nadi Shodhana here.

* Benefits of Nadi Shodhana:

  • Rebalances the breathing between the two nostrils.
  • Restores the balance between the two hemispheres of the brain.
  • Clears the channels of energy in your body.
  • Calms the mind. Relieves stress and anxiety.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves your ability to focus.
  • Strengthens your lungs and respiratory functions.
  • Balances the working of your nervous system.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Cleans out sinuses (good for allergies).

* Benefits of 528 Hz:

The music in the video uses the 528 Hz frequency which is part of the Solfeggio scale. 528 Hz is also called the “Love frequency”. This frequency is associated with the process of whole being transformation.
It is also said to activate your imagination, intention and intuition. The note ‘MI’ on the scale is said to derive from the Latin word “MI-ra gestorum” which means “miracle”.

Want to get a 25-minute version of this 528 Hz Love frequency music (including a binaural beat version)? Click here to get “Flow Of Life” now

3.4. Exercise 3:Activate positive emotions” (Heart Chakra stimulation) – “Heart Focus breathing” – Music: Solfeggio 639 Hz

Your divine power resides within your heart. Exercise 3 is aimed at activating positive emotions inside of you and stimulating your Heart Chakra.
This exercise combines the benefits of heart coherence, activation of positive emotions/heart chakra stimulation and 639 Hz music.

* Instructions for Exercise 3:

Follow the dot moving in the infinity symbol.

  • “Heart focus breathing”
  • Respect the heart coherence breathing cycle: 1 cycle = 5 seconds inhalation (1 loop) + 5 seconds exhalation (other loop)

In 1 minute, you will do 6 cycles.

* Heart Focus Breathing:

Focus on your heart. You may place your hands on your chest (heart area). It will put your attention there.
For the whole exercise, breathe as if it was your heart that was breathing (“heart focus breathing”).

Note: this method is inspired by the HeartMath Institute’s Quick Coherence Technique.

* Before starting the exercise:

  • Close your eyes and take a few moments to connect yourself with a memory of joy, love or peace. Keep this feeling throughout the whole session.
  • Say these words a few times: “I am love”. Feel the meaning of these words deep inside of you and try to keep this feeling throughout the whole session.

SMILE as much as you can! That will already activate positive emotions inside of you.

* Feel positive emotions:

-> A series of images related to different positive emotions will be shown to you while you breathe:

  • 1st minute: JOY
  • 2nd minute: CARE
  • 3rd minute: GRATITUDE
  • 4th minute: COMPASSION
  • 5th minute: APPRECIATION

While you breathe, be in the present moment and feel your heart (chakra) opening.

* Benefits of Heart Chakra stimulation:

The Heart Chakra is the center from which the feeling of Love emanates. It’s also associated with many other positive emotions such as joy, happiness, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness etc. For example, this chakra is engaged when you connect with the ones you love.

Therefore, when your Heart Chakra is opened, this will be beneficial in a multiple ways:

  • Reduction of anxiety and depression
  • Gain of positive outlook on life
  • Increased self respect
  • Heightened feelings of compassion
  • Allowing love to flow and someone to step into your life
  • Emotional healing of the past wounds
  • Increased appreciation of the ones you love
  • Increased ability to create stronger bonds with your friends and loved ones

With this chakra opened, Love will flow in a more fluid way in your life, creating a positive cycle.

* Benefits of 639 Hz:

The frequency used in the video is 639 hz which is frequency that belongs to the Solfeggio scale. 639 Hz is associated with the Heart Chakra and mainly aims at “re-connecting and balancing relationships”. This frequency heightens your ability to build deep, meaningful, and harmonious relationships with others. Communication, understanding, tolerance and love are enhanced. It is the social frequency.

Want to get a 30-minute version of this 639 Hz Heart Chakra Stimulation music (including a binaural beat version)? Click here to get “Heart Opening” now


If you would like to practice heart coherence exercises with your eyes closed, we have created a special audio guide for you.


Picture of Stéphane Clément

Stéphane Clément

Founder of Gaia Meditation. Committed to help in raising the vibration of the Collective and in co-creating a new paradigm. *** Fondateur de Gaia Meditation. Engagé à aider à augmenter le taux vibratoire du Collectif et à co-créer un nouveau paradigme.

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