Have you ever heard about 432Hz music? This sound frequency provides many benefits.

We all listen to music to some degree or another; in fact almost everywhere we go there is music. It really plays a big role in our lives and it can literally affect our mood. Music is even used as a marketing tool. Studies in neuroscience have been conducted to determine how people react to specific sounds or music. The music that’s commonly called “elevator music” was created to soothe and relax people so they’d shop longer. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the frequencies of the music we listen to have a direct effect on us.

Much of our music is tuned to 440 Hz. Though the original frequency musicians tuned to was 432Hz, it wasn’t until 1926 that the scale was informally changed to 440 Hz. It’s thought that the tuning was modified because Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, was pushing for the scale to be changed. There’s no solid proof regarding this though, so it could be a myth. However, according to some studies, 440 Hz is a more mind directed frequency. This frequency is supposed to encourage mental pursuits and separate people from their social-emotional side. On the other hand, the frequency 432Hz is a warmer frequency that’s meant to help people be more social and connected to their emotions. Knowing this makes total sense if you’re a Nazi leader and if you’re looking to start a war and want people off balance and more aggressive… But let’s leave the question open.

Scientific research has shown that 432 Hz tuning is a more natural sound for us to resonate too. Many ancient cultures such as Greeks, Egyptians etc. used the A 432Hz to tune too. When scientists started looking into the frequency of the Universe, they found that the central note was “C#” at 544Hz which makes the “A” note frequency 432Hz.

Tibetan Bowl
Tibetan Bowls are said to be tuned to 432 Hz.

Since everything vibrates, sound healing simply works. Even when we can’t see or hear exactly when an instrument or vocal melody is tuned to A 432Hz, our bodies respond positively to it. A rule of harmony is that whatever octave you’re tuning at, the other octaves will tune too. The two frequencies 432 Hz / 440 Hz are the same note in the scale. So when musicians are tuning off the note, it changes the frequency of the whole range. So, this can alter the feel of an entire song.

How does that rule of harmony relate to sound healing? Everything vibrates at certain frequencies, even if we perceive the vibrations as sound, light or touch. So when we tune an instrument to a certain frequency, all of the frequencies (sound, light, and touch) will vibrate to that instrument’s frequency. Because our body vibrates too, it has its own frequency, and if something is out of balance and we use sound healing on it, we can bring it back into balance with sound.

For example, if someone has a cold, it’s changing the frequency of the body because it is out of balance. When you play or create sound at the frequency of the body when it’s healthy, the sound will help the body re-balance itself getting rid of the cold. If the body is too far out of harmony, sound healing won’t be able to put it back in harmony. So for something like cancer, sound healing won’t be able to completely get rid of it if it’s too far advanced.

After they have re-tuned their music to 432Hz:

  • People who weren’t physically sick but felt down mentally have said they felt much better.
  • Individuals who used to have anger issues found that they felt calmer.
  • People who were chronically depressed have noticed a lightening of their depression.

When sound is passed through water or any medium, it creates shapes, and it’s possible to visualize the frequency by the shapes it leaves (cf. cymatics experiments). Since our body is 65% water on average, it makes sense that anything that affects water will affect us too.

So yes sound can heal us just like sound can harm us if the tuning of the scales is off by a little bit. Sound and especially music are powerful forces. It can uplift us and make us better, or it can depress us and make us worse. You decide!

If you are curious about this frequency, just click on the following link to get free 432Hz meditation music.

Please let us know if you’ve already experienced 432Hz music and what your feeling is about it. Just leave a comment below. Thank you!















Picture of Stéphane Clément

Stéphane Clément

Founder of Gaia Meditation. Committed to help in raising the vibration of the Collective and in co-creating a new paradigm. *** Fondateur de Gaia Meditation. Engagé à aider à augmenter le taux vibratoire du Collectif et à co-créer un nouveau paradigme.

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