Synchronicity Happens Every Day

Read The Signs… Synchronicity Happens To You Every Day

The concept of Synchronicity was introduced in the 1920s by Carl Jung. Synchronicity corresponds to the simultaneous appearance of at least two events that seem to be related, at least for the person who perceives them, but who have no visible causal relationship. Does coincidence really exist? Is it possible to create synchronicities voluntarily? Perhaps, it happened to you to be very enthusiastic about one thing in particular and observed “signs” multiplying around you in relation to that. In fact, you were just observing synchronicities.

Everything happens for a reason

When a synchronicity occurs, it provokes some kind of amazement or stupefaction inside of us. For example, imagine you spoke with a person about an exciting topic one morning and it turns out that throughout all your day you have observed things that happened in connection with that topic. It may be a word written on a billboard in the street or even a radio interview that brought you back to that subject. The likelihood of having so many observations related this specific topic is pretty low and shows how our thoughts are in direct interaction with the invisible field around us. If we look at things more closely, we realize that the events observed are clearly not the result of chance but there is indeed a reason for this occurrence, and a more or less obvious meaning for us. When we take time to look at things in a different way, it is possible to get some kind of teaching out of it.

Creating Synchronicity

Time is an illusion. The past, the present and the future coexist in an infinite Present. So a future event is actually already existing as a potential future in present time, and we must align with it if we want it to happen.

To create synchronicities, you must combine a strong intention (thought) with a deep emotion from the heart. Once this is done and you have placed “your order”, you must write down your wish on a paper and no longer think about it to let the mechanics of the Universe unfold. It is in fact the principle of the law of attraction. You have to have an unfailing confidence that things will happen, be in an energy of gratitude as if things have already happened and let go of when and how things will happen. And moreover, most of the time it’s when we let go and put our mind aside that things happen at the most unexpected moment.

Synchronicities could be signs of the Universe for us, to guide us or to teach us. What do you think ? Do you observe it in your daily life? Feel free to let us know in the comments below.

Picture of Stéphane Clément

Stéphane Clément

Founder of Gaia Meditation. Committed to help in raising the vibration of the Collective and in co-creating a new paradigm. *** Fondateur de Gaia Meditation. Engagé à aider à augmenter le taux vibratoire du Collectif et à co-créer un nouveau paradigme.

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